
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022
We're excited to introduce our 28th podcast with Emily. Listen Here
In this episode Emily Liu will share how she overcame childhood wounds and anger and later became a healer to help others heal their wounds as a relationship coach.
Emily believes these childhood wounds are the root cause of adult relationship challenges. She is on a mission to help all of us get over our wounds and learn how to vulnerably speak for our needs.
Emily is also the Author of 2 books: How to Permanently Erase Negative Self-Talk So You Can Be Extraordinary and Climax – Why Great Leaders Need Love Affairs. She is also co-founder of the Epic Love Institute.
We hope you enjoy it.
Please keep sharing our links on social media and forwarding our emails to help spread the word. You can even share and follow us on Facebook here.
Keep Being Brave,
Cara and Patty

Monday Oct 31, 2022
Episode #27, Interview with Elena - Changing A Relationship with Alcohol
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
In this episode we have Elena Marrero. Owner of one of the best gift shops you will ever find, The Great Giftsby, in Dunedin, FL. She is affectionately known as the Singing Shop Keeper.
At the age of 39, Elena was arrested for Driving under the influence for a second time and used that event as a turning point to change her life for the better. Elena shares what a "jail shower" is and how she chose to turn her life around.
Now alcohol free for nearly 4 years, she shares openly about her journey with the hope that it will benefit others who might also want to change their relationship with alcohol.
We hope you enjoy it.
Please keep sharing our links on social media and forwarding our emails to help spread the word.

Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
The reversal of Roe v. Wade is a hot topic among women, so we decided to host a panel discussion about reproductive choice. On our panel we have two women who found themselves with an unplanned pregnancy and another whose planned pregnancy was risking her health, and possibly her life. There are many stories of women who have had to make a choice about whether to bring their pregnancies to term. In this episode, we present three of them.

Monday Oct 03, 2022
Episode 25: Interview with Victoria About Forming Your Inner Voice
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
By the time Victoria was seven years old, her parents had divorced, and her mother was remarried. It was then that she became subjected to physical and emotional abuse. She was repeatedly told she would never amount to anything and that she would “eat shit” for the rest of her life. Because this behavior was the norm in her household, Victoria didn’t realize that it wasn’t the norm for others until she met her boyfriend’s parents.
Victoria agreed to share her story for the first time publicly on our podcast because she wants parents to understand how the inner voices of their children are shaped by the messaging they receive growing up. She calls some of these voices a “fake identity” because they are the voices of others, specifically the nay-sayers, and not the voices of who we truly are. We’ve referred to these voices as the “Itty Bitty Shitty Committee”. Whatever name you give them, they live inside each one of us.
In this episode, Victoria walks us through her struggle to release the “fake identity” bestowed upon her, and how she was able to break the cycle of abuse.

Monday Sep 19, 2022
Episode 24: Interview with Melissa about Loss and Anxiety
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Melissa lost her father at age 7 and her mother at age 21. She has battled anxiety and panic attacks since childhood. In this episode, Melissa talks about loss, but also how she is able to maintain a positive attitude. She is comfortable spending time with herself and cherishes the time she gets to spend with the people she loves.

Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Kathy Perry lost her husband suddenly after 39 years of marriage. Following the initial shock of the tragedy, one of the things that became apparent was her new identity. She could no longer think in terms of “we” (her and her husband). She was now “me”. Kathy shares her story about that transformation. She used many tools that helped her heal and realize that we all have our own journeys in this life. Her husband had his own journey that ended when it did, regardless of any life-saving efforts or whether or not anyone else was ready. She now lives each day making a conscious effort to focus on her journey.
If you’d like more information about Kathy, check out her website www.kathyperry.com. She can also be reached at kathy@kathyperry.com and 813-789-9580.

Monday Aug 08, 2022
Episode 22: Interview with Dr. Alyse Kelly-Jones, Women’s Health Sexpert
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Monday Aug 08, 2022
This week we have Dr. Alyse Kelly-Jones joining us. She's an OB/Gyn, a TedX Speaker, and self described "Sexpert" in women's health and sexual shame. Alyse works with women dealing with sexual dysfunction such as low libido and painful sex. We had some fun with Alyse chatting about faking orgasms (that she didn't realize was "a thing"), how healthy it can be to use sex toys, calling our female parts by their real names (vulva and vagina), and a lot more!
So sit back, relax, and press "Play". We know you'll enjoy the information Alyse has to share as much as we enjoyed interviewing her.
If there's anything you're curious about that our podcast does not cover, Alyse has an "Ask Me Anything" Hotline that is confidential: 704-412-8877.
Link to Alyse's TedX Talk on Sexual Shame: https://www.ted.com/talks/alyse_kelly_jones_shed_sexual_shame_and_your_clothes_along_the_way
Follow Alyse on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.alyse_sexpert/
Information about Novant Health Women's Sexual Health & Wellness:

Monday Jul 25, 2022
Episode 21: Interview with Pam about Surviving a Brain Tumor and Infidelity
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Monday Jul 25, 2022
In this episode Pam shares with us two very different life-changing events.
One is a separation from, and subsequent reconciliation with, her husband of 30+ years that included a new step-daughter.
The second is surviving a brain tumor that left her temporarily unable to walk, eat or even see straight.
Pam cites her positive outlook and capacity for forgiveness as two important things that helped get her through these events that happened in the course of only two years.
To contact Pam, you can email her at Pam@DunedinFL.com.

Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Episode 20: Interview with Sandra who lost her Husband to a Drug Overdose
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Two years ago, Sandra lost her husband to a drug overdose. In this episode, she walks us through watching Danny, the love of her life, slip farther and farther away while attempting to get help and not being able to maintain his sobriety. Sandra speaks candidly about how Danny's addiction affected her and their children, which led her to have to make some heartbreaking decisions.
Sandra has since started a non-profit organization called Families of Addicts Supporting Families of Addicts. She believes that treating the addict is only part of the solution. Addiction affects the entire family, and therefore, the family needs support as well. For more information and to support Sandra's mission, go to www.fasfaunited.org.

Monday Jun 27, 2022
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Maytte lost her husband suddenly while on vacation, and when their son was just five months old. In this episode, she shares with us the shock of her loss, learning to ask for help since she would now be raising their son alone, and discovering a few secrets her husband never shared.
Maytte is a believer in the Law of Attraction and has since built a coaching practice based on it. She talks with us about how she uses the Law of Attraction in her daily life and gives some tips for all of us.
For more information about Maytte, or her coaching, go to www.inspiringyourbestlife.com.